The company AUTOMA IMPIANTI S.r.l. born in 2016 thanks to the continuity and experience gained by an artisan company founded in 1997 operating in the industrial automation sector.
Its role is to enable companies in various sectors all over the world to realize their full potential.
The company relies on its specialized skills to provide advanced technology services.
Always in constant evolution, it is proposed as a partner in the design, construction and maintenance of electrical systems for industrial automation.
Active for many years in the electrical, electronic and mechanical sectors, it has specialized in the construction of plants, process control systems, automations, robotics and control boards, achieving a high standard of quality and high skills.
We work and develop projects in collaboration with major brands of Italian and foreign industry, demonstrating the quality and reliability of our services.
Via A. Gramsci, 1330
Marano sul panaro (MO)
41054 Italy
Tel. +39 059 793883 CALL CENTER
Fax +39 059 793883
P.IVA E C.F. 03685480364
Share Capital € 10.000,00 i.v.
Modena's Companies Register T208222094
REA n. MO-409003
Design - Realization
Process Control
Industrial Automation
PC Software - PLC - SCADA
© Copyright 2016 - AUTOMA IMPIANTI SRL - All Rights Reserved